Pazzola Antonio
Antonio Pazzola was born in Sassari in 1972.
Self-taught painter, then he enrolled in the painting course at the ' Academy of Fine Arts in Sassari. Great designer , hyper-realist , surrealist, in his works he used both oil and acrylic painting, and his favorite subjects were still lifes and surreal portraits; he participated in several group exhibitions both regionally and nationally among which we can name: group exhibition organized by the Arte Spazio Gallery at the City of Bultei in 2006 and 2007, group exhibition at the Cultural Center of Padru (SS) in 2005, " Collective Arte Spazio Gallery" of Sassari in 2006 and 2007, and the collective at the" Castle Hall " i Bitritto (Bari ) in 2006 and 2007.